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Name: D​ani​el
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Angemeldet seit: 15.01.2003, 18:56 Uhr
Zuletzt online: 12.03.2025, 02:23 Uhr
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Letztes Update: 13.02.2025, 10:32 Uhr

n000gs Beiträge im Forum
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Fragen ‣ Was wenn Teil 2+3 gleich festgestanden hätten? ‣ Corrupt REALITY.SYS: Reboot Universe (Y/n)? Fragen und AntwortenFragen Was wenn Teil 2+3 gleich festgestanden hätten? Corrupt REALITY.SYS: Reboot Universe (Y/n)? 30.11.2003
Fragen ‣ Was wenn Teil 2+3 gleich festgestanden hätten? ‣ Clarvoiants meeting canceled due to unforseen events. Fragen und AntwortenFragen Was wenn Teil 2+3 gleich festgestanden hätten? Clarvoiants meeting canceled due to unforseen events. 29.11.2003 ‣ Ergänzungen für ‣ I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be...OOooooo! Donuts!!! Ergänzungen für I am Homer of Borg! Prepare to be...OOooooo! Donuts!!! 27.11.2003 ‣ Neues Design! ‣ Plasma is another matter. Neues Design! Plasma is another matter. 26.11.2003 ‣ George´s Haarfarbe, Doc´s Geld, Marty´s Uhr ‣ Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it. George´s Haarfarbe, Doc´s Geld, Marty´s Uhr Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it. 23.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ back to 12.11.1955 ‣ By all means, let's not confuse ourselves with the facts! Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ back to 12.11.1955 By all means, let's not confuse ourselves with the facts! 23.11.2003
Collection ‣ DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) ‣ We secretly replaced the dilithium with Folger's Crystals... ZidZ-CollectionCollection DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) We secretly replaced the dilithium with Folger's Crystals... 23.11.2003
Collection ‣ DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) ‣ For discussion only. Not to be relied upon. ZidZ-CollectionCollection DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) For discussion only. Not to be relied upon. 22.11.2003
Collection ‣ DeLorean Modelle ‣ CONgress (n) - Opposite of PROgress ZidZ-CollectionCollection DeLorean Modelle CONgress (n) - Opposite of PROgress 17.11.2003
Collection ‣ Zeitmaschine unbeaufsichtigt ‣ Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers. FilmfehlerCollection Zeitmaschine unbeaufsichtigt Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers. 16.11.2003
Collection ‣ DeLorean Modelle ‣ Buy American! ZidZ-CollectionCollection DeLorean Modelle Buy American! 16.11.2003
Collection ‣ DeLorean Modelle ‣ Can't learn to do it well? Learn to enjoy doing it badly! ZidZ-CollectionCollection DeLorean Modelle Can't learn to do it well? Learn to enjoy doing it badly! 15.11.2003
Collection ‣ DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) ‣ Drive C: Error, (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (K)ick (S)cream ZidZ-CollectionCollection DVD: Region 2 DVD Set Deutschland (September 2002) Drive C: Error, (A)bort (R)etry (I)gnore (K)ick (S)cream 12.11.2003 ‣ Ergänzungen für ‣ Best file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression!) Ergänzungen für Best file compressor around: DEL *.* (100% compression!) 08.11.2003 ‣ Ergänzungen für ‣ What happens if you .ARC de Triomphe? Ergänzungen für What happens if you .ARC de Triomphe? 08.11.2003
Sonstiges ‣ Airboard ‣ As long as I can remember, I've had amnesia. Dies und das...Sonstiges Airboard As long as I can remember, I've had amnesia. 07.11.2003
Sonstiges ‣ Andere Zeitreisefilme ‣ Time flies like the wind--fruit flies like bananas! ZeitreisenSonstiges Andere Zeitreisefilme Time flies like the wind--fruit flies like bananas! 06.11.2003
Community ‣ Lieblingspiele ‣ Action(-Scooter) Community-ThemenCommunity Lieblingspiele Action(-Scooter) 04.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ Docs Ermordung ‣ He's not dead, Jim, he's just metabolically challenged. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Docs Ermordung He's not dead, Jim, he's just metabolically challenged. 04.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ Docs Ermordung ‣ Assumption is the mother of all screwups... Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Docs Ermordung Assumption is the mother of all screwups... 04.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ Interessante Fakten ‣ The worst thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Interessante Fakten The worst thing about censorship is ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ. 04.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ Sind Zeitreisen möglich? ‣ Circular Definition: see Definition, Circular. ZeitreisenZidZ Sind Zeitreisen möglich? Circular Definition: see Definition, Circular. 04.11.2003
ZidZ ‣ Sind Zeitreisen möglich? ‣ I am. Therefore, I think. I think. ZeitreisenZidZ Sind Zeitreisen möglich? I am. Therefore, I think. I think. 03.11.2003
DeLorean ‣ Original Delorean Bilder ‣ Buy American! Der DeLoreanDeLorean Original Delorean Bilder Buy American! 02.11.2003
DeLorean ‣ Andere Zeitreisefilme ‣ Diagonally parked in a parallel universe. ZeitreisenDeLorean Andere Zeitreisefilme Diagonally parked in a parallel universe. 02.11.2003
Collection ‣ DVD: Region 1 DVD Set USA (Dezember 2002) ‣ I wish life had a scroll-back buffer..... ZidZ-CollectionCollection DVD: Region 1 DVD Set USA (Dezember 2002) I wish life had a scroll-back buffer..... 01.11.2003
Collection ‣ DVD: Region 1 DVD Set USA (Dezember 2002) ‣ I used to watch TV, then I bought a modem. ZidZ-CollectionCollection DVD: Region 1 DVD Set USA (Dezember 2002) I used to watch TV, then I bought a modem. 31.10.2003
Cast&Crew ‣ Was ist los mit J. Fox? ‣ Some minds should be cultivated, others plowed under... Darsteller & CrewCast&Crew Was ist los mit J. Fox? Some minds should be cultivated, others plowed under... 29.10.2003
Cast&Crew ‣ Strickland ‣ Sorry, I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference! CharaktereCast&Crew Strickland Sorry, I forgot all about the Amnesia Conference! 29.10.2003
Collection ‣ ZidZ-Fanartikel ‣ Neutrale Antwort ZidZ-CollectionCollection ZidZ-Fanartikel Neutrale Antwort 26.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Der Zeitreisezug ‣ Ist ganz ok als Schlußgag. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Der Zeitreisezug Ist ganz ok als Schlußgag. 24.10.2003
Sonstiges ‣ eMail an Dein zukünftiges Ich! ‣ Clarvoiants meeting canceled due to unforseen events. Dies und das...Sonstiges eMail an Dein zukünftiges Ich! Clarvoiants meeting canceled due to unforseen events. 20.10.2003
Fragen ‣ 2 Doc in 2015 ‣ It`s deja vu all over again. Fragen und AntwortenFragen 2 Doc in 2015 It`s deja vu all over again. 17.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Docs Ermordung ‣ One tactical thermonuclear weapon can ruin your whole day. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Docs Ermordung One tactical thermonuclear weapon can ruin your whole day. 17.10.2003 ‣ Willkommens-Sound ‣ If a tree falls on a florist, would he make a sound? Willkommens-Sound If a tree falls on a florist, would he make a sound? 16.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Docs Ermordung ‣ Confused? Call Counselor Troi 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/minute Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Docs Ermordung Confused? Call Counselor Troi 1-900-NCC-1701: $1.95/minute 15.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Interessante Fakten ‣ It`s a tough job! ..... So I`d Rather YOU do it. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Interessante Fakten It`s a tough job! ..... So I`d Rather YOU do it. 15.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Docs Ermordung ‣ A phaser on stun is like a day without orange juice. Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Docs Ermordung A phaser on stun is like a day without orange juice. 15.10.2003
Fragen ‣ Wir müssen zurück ins Jahr 1985 ‣ As long as I can remember, I`ve had amnesia. Fragen und AntwortenFragen Wir müssen zurück ins Jahr 1985 As long as I can remember, I`ve had amnesia. 15.10.2003
ZidZ ‣ Interessante Fakten ‣ Corrupt REALITY.SYS: Reboot Universe (Y/n)? Zurück in die ZukunftZidZ Interessante Fakten Corrupt REALITY.SYS: Reboot Universe (Y/n)? 15.10.2003

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